Sunday, December 7, 2008

Santa Run

My nine year old, my seven year old, my three year old, and I ran the Opportunity Village Santa Run 5K yesterday (ok, the three year old rode in the stroller, I am not sadistic). The run happens in downtown Vegas every year. It is an annual attempt to break the world record for the most Santa's in one place at one time. Last year our entire family ran it (the photo from last year is below) and we broke the record, but it was broken again a few weeks later in Great Britan.

This year we had more participants than last year, but I have no idea if we broke the record again or not. The girls did great. We carried bells with us. I strapped a boom box to the stroller and played Christmas music throughout our run. People started running with us, commenting on how they appreciated the music. My daughters complaned the entire last mile that they would not be able to make it to the end, but as soon as it we crossed the finish line my girls begged me to take them on a walk of the Freemont Street Experience to gather all the freebie gifts and handouts that were available from all the sponsors of the event (as well as go into the blow up jump house that was set up on the Strip). They had a great time. Guess they had a few miles left in them after all.

It was a wonderful experience.


TM CLAN said...

Oh, how fun! Where is the pic from this year? Love you guys.

Katie said...

Looks like fun!